martes, 28 de enero de 2020

I anledning af vores 30 års jubilæum ,

tilbyder vi,

Gruppekursus i spansk igennem den

       Hypnagologiske Metode

       10 dages HALVT-INTENSIVT gruppekursus.

Varighed: 10 dage (fra mandag til fredag i løbet af 2 uger) = 50 sessioner.

Målsætning: Daglig konversation med brug af Nutid, Datid og Fremtid.

Datoer:  02.03.2020 – 06.03.2020

              09.03.2020 – 13.03.2020

Tidspunkt: 5 sessioner dagligt: 10:00 – 13:20 eller 18:00 – 21:20


Normal Kursuspris pr. deltager: 3.000 Euro

FORÅRSTILBUD :  2.500 Euro pr. deltager.

Begrænsede pladser (højst 5 deltagere)

For yderligere information og reservation:




                            (0034) 952 448 086

                            (0034) 620 796 057

                            (0034) 640 235 008

Laer SPANSK her og nu.

viernes, 24 de enero de 2020

I anledning af vores 30 års jubilæum ,

tilbyder vi,

Gruppekursus i spansk igennem den

       Hypnagologiske Metode

       10 dages HALVT-INTENSIVT gruppekursus.

Varighed: 10 dage (fra mandag til fredag i løbet af 2 uger) = 50 sessioner.

Målsætning: Daglig konversation med brug af Nutid, Datid og Fremtid.

Datoer:  02.03.2020 – 06.03.2020

              09.03.2020 – 13.03.2020

Tidspunkt: 5 sessioner dagligt: 10:00 – 13:20 eller 18:00 – 21:20


Normal Kursuspris pr. deltager: 3.000 Euro

FORÅRSTILBUD :  2.500 Euro pr. deltager.

Begrænsede pladser (højst 5 deltagere)

For yderligere information og reservation:




                            (0034) 952 448 086

                            (0034) 620 796 057

                            (0034) 640 235 008

miércoles, 22 de enero de 2020

CENTRO ELEUSIS: 30 AÑOS DE ACTIVIDAD ININTERRUMPIDA Aprendizaje acelerado de idiomas para adultos


Método Hipnagológico… Aprendizaje acelerado de idiomas para adultos.
Centro Eleusis, establecido en Costa del Sol en 1990 por Carlos Valle Romo, Cand. Psyk., por la Universidad de Copenhague, hace un recuento de lo que se ha realizado durante estos 30 años de amplio recorrido psicolingüístico. Aparte de llevar a cabo actividades relacionadas con la Psicología Empresarial, Psicología Clínica y Psicología Deportiva, nos concentraremos específicamente en una estadística cronológica relacionada a las actividades concernientes a la Psicología Educativa.
A través del MÉTODO HIPNAGOLÓGICO, utilizando técnicas psicológicas estimulando el APRENDIZAJE ACELERADO DE IDIOMAS PARA ADULTOS, con un copyright bien definido tanto en la UE como en USA, nos hemos dedicado durante los últimos 30 años a impartir CURSOS INTENSIVOS DE IDIOMAS, especialmente de español e inglés, debido a las demandas del mercado.
El resultado de estos 30 años de actividad ininterrumpida, nos muestran los siguientes puntos relevantes:
     Siendo la mayoría participantes de países del entorno europeo. Sobre todo del norte de Europa, por ejemplo, Alemania, Bélgica, Dinamarca, Noruega, Suecia, Finlandia, Gran Bretaña, Holanda, Islandia, etc. Durante los últimos años se ha disparado el número de participantes de Rusia, Ucrania y Polonia.
     Respecto al aprendizaje acelerado de idiomas para adultos de lengua inglesa, han participado personas de España, México, Colombia, Perú, Chile, Argentina, Brasil, Ecuador, etc. Hemos de puntualizar que dichos participantes NO han vivido en Costa del Sol, ni siquiera en España, han venido desde sus países respectivos a participar en nuestros cursos intensivos. Lo mismo vale para otros países: O vamos nosotros o vienen ellos a nuestro instituto.
     Y a nivel nacional, es decir, dentro de España, hemos tenido participantes de Andalucía, Cataluña, País Vasco, Valencia, Islas Canarias, Ibiza, Madrid, Ceuta, etc.
2. NIVEL EDUCATIVO DE LOS PARTICIPANTES: Aunque la gran mayoría han tenido y tienen un perfil alto a nivel educativo, como por ejemplo, abogados, arquitectos, médicos, empresarios, directores de empresas, propietarios de empresas, dentistas, psicólogos, psiquíatras, consultores dedicados al coaching, contables, ingenieros, economistas, etc., no hay que olvidar a los participantes con una muy buena educación de técnicos, (tanto informáticos como de cualquier otra actividad técnica), comerciales de ventas, secretarias, recepcionistas, enfermeras, fisioterapeutas, quiroprácticos, modelos, deportistas, etc. Y algo muy importante: Hemos tenido muchos cursos con participantes sin escolaridad terminada, con problemas de aprendizaje, disléxicos (lo cual es mi especialidad), con problemas de oído, tartamudeo, con parte del hemisferio derecho del cerebro dañado (después de un accidente de coche o algo similar. NOTA: En caso de tratarse del hemisferio izquierdo, sería imposible).
3. EDAD DE LOS PARTICIPANTES: De 12 a 83 años.
     Siendo una gran mayoría participantes que se encontraban y se encuentran en un rango perteneciente de los 30 a los 60 años. Igualmente, participantes ya jubilados forman un amplio grupo en nuestros cursos.
4. ENSEÑANZA REALIZADA: Individual, pareja o grupo.
     Siendo la gran mayoría cursos muy intensivos de 10 días, 7 días y/o 5 días, dependiendo de las necesidades del participante individual.
Los cursos, en su gran mayoría, se han impartido en nuestro instituto CENTRO ELEUSIS, en Costa del Sol. Sin embargo, se han impartido muchos cursos en las mismas empresas y/o casas particulares, desplazándonos por toda España (especialmente Barcelona, Ibiza, Tenerife, Valencia, etc.). Y fuera de España, en Dinamarca, Noruega, Rusia, Ucrania, Estados Unidos (California), México, etc.
En fin, éste recuento nos proporciona una visión general de cómo y dónde se han realizado y siguen realizándose nuestras actividades psicolingüísticas durante los últimos 30 años.
Debido a los óptimos resultados, el flujo de participantes continúa avanzando positivamente a través de las recomendaciones de los propios participantes.
Hemos solucionado rápidamente el gran problema de la mayoría de las empresas: LA BARRERA LINGÜÍSTICA.
E igualmente a los Residentes Extranjeros en España que quieren simplemente socializarse en su nuevo entorno y/o comenzar nuevas actividades profesionales o laborales con el uso del nuevo idioma aprendido con una rapidez óptima.
Para más información, le invitamos a entrar en nuestra página Web: www.centroeleusis. net
Allí podrá comprobar lo anteriormente reseñado viendo nuestros clientes previos, evaluaciones personales, etc., y si es de su interés, en Contacto, nos puede pedir más información pertinente sobre los tipos de cursos intensivos, niveles, precios, etc.

miércoles, 15 de enero de 2020

CENTRO ELEUSIS Intensive spanish courses for adults through THE HYPNAGOLOGICAL METHOD

We have been working with this teaching/learning method during the last 30 years using psychological techniques in order to accelerate the learning process as much as possible. Among others, we make use of NLP (Neurolinguistic Programming), involving visual, auditory and kinestesic perceptions increasing drastically memory retention. Gestalt and Transactional Analysis are also used reinforcing self-confidence. During relaxation, Autogenic techniques are used.
The main point is to break the psychological barriers or negative expectations many people have about teaching methods and their own personal skills. That is why the starting point with the individual participant is detecting his/her learning self-style. We all have our own way to assimilate knowledge. Therefore, in all courses we begin with a personal meeting. First of all to be sure about the individual participant's level and learning style. Because of all the above mentioned, we do not use text books and/or grammar. Each participant develops his/her own skills in the new language.
Obviously, the job of the teacher is to know the gramatical level of the participant in order to give the pertinent explanations as to how to construct his/her own sentences in the target language. Thus, more important than a "gramatical explanation", a logical explanation using the language of the participant is given.
In each session there is an Active Part where the logical structure of the target language is assimilated. The concentration is on phonetics (pronunciation, intonation and rhythm). All participants must express themselves, transfering their own vocabulary into the new language. The way they express themselves in their own language will be the way they will speak the target language. Therefore, the use of language learning text books is unnecessary. In fact, each participant is creating his/her own "book" with his/her own vocabulary, ways of building sentences, speaking style, etc. At the same time we are dealing with syntax, that is, building complete sentences.  Always sentences, never phrases. Working with complete sentences implies the constant use of verbal tenses in Present, Past and Future all the time. It is absolutely important to get used to deal with verbal tenses right from the beginning. Phrases are a waste of time and create bad habits which are very difficult to change. And finally, at the same time, we are getting involved with semantics, that is, building many sentences in order to make real conversations expressing complete ideas about a given subject.

Following the Active Part, we concentrate on the Passive Part, where the participant gets into a profound relaxation reaching the Hypnagogic State (also called Alpha State). This Hypnagogic State can be described as relaxing awareness, without any stress. A special kind of instrumental music is played (flute, guitar, sounds from the sea, or a constant stream) which are designed to create a relaxing atmosphere, making the memory more opened and capable to remember new information. During relaxation, the instructor works with the teaching material from the Active Part, with his voice following the music while the participant is just relaxing and assimilating automatically the structure of the new language. Because of this, it is not necessary at all to make any homework.
All this process creates optimal abilities and skills in the target language HERE and NOW. The participants do not need to study Spanish for years, or even months or weeks. There are, of course, different levels. Each level consists of 50 sessions. When reaching level 3 the participant speaks Spanish fluently. If the participant is a complete beginner in 150 sessions can be fluent. The modules of 50 sessions were experimentally designed for adults from 40 to 80 years of age. Obviously, if the participant is younger, it goes even faster.
Our most intensive Spanish Course is the Crash-Course, also called "brainwashing course"= 7 days. During that week, a complete beginner reaches level 2, being a very good level for communication. This Crash Course is used a lot by companies who need to learn the target language immediately. But, for example, for older people we recommend a Half-Intensive Course.
If you are interested, you are welcome at:
If you contact us, we will send all the information about our training possibilities, levels, prices, etc.

Best regards,
Carlos Valle Romo, Cand. Psyk.
Director and Consultant


Aprenda inglés aquí y ahora

Centro Eleusis 
Sin explicaciones gramaticales.
Sin deberes en casa.
La estructura es asimilada mientras se encuentra en una profunda relajación.
Cursos intensivos de 2, 5 o 7 días.
Individual, parejas o grupos.
Créalo, somos su solución.
Método Hipnagológico.
Desarrollado en la Universidad de Copenhague.
Centro Eleusis
Tel.: +34 952448086

martes, 14 de enero de 2020

Centro Eleusis: 30 years of activity with accelerative language learning for adults

We speak, of course, about Centro Eleusis, which uses a Hypnagological Method to accelerate language learning for adults.

Centro Eleusis was established on the Costa del Sol in 1990 by Carlos Valle Romo (seen in the photo below), which is Cand. Psyk., University of Copenhagen. Carlos gives here a summary of activities in psycho-linguistics during his phenomenal 30-year long career:
Although Centro Eleusis has carried out activities in managerial psychology, clinical psychology and sports psychology, we here focus specifically on a chronological statistic that underlines the language teaching activities.

Throughout the Hypnagological Method with the use of psychological techniques that stimulate accelerated language learning for adults, with a well defined copyright, both in the EU and USA, we have in the last 30 years engaged us to provide intensive language courses - especially in Spanish and English - because of the market's high demand.

The result of these 30 years of continuous activity, shows us the following relevant points:

1. Number of participants by nationality: - 52 different nationalities:
Most participants come from European countries, but mainly from northern Europe, for example, Germany, Belgium, Denmark, Norway, Sweden, Finland, Great Britain, Holland, Iceland, etc.
Over the past year the number of participants from Russia, Ukranien and Poland has increased tremendously.
 In the context of accelerating English language learning. the participants come here from Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Peru, Chile, Argentina, Panama, Brazil, Ecuador and elsewhere.
We must emphasize that most of the above mentioned participants DO NOT have lived on the Costa del Sol and many times nor here in Spain, but have come from their own country to take part in our intensive courses. The same is true for other countries: either we go to them or they come to us.
Nationally, that is, in Spain, we have had participants from Andalucía, Catalonian, Basque Country, Valencia, the Canary Islands, Ibiza, Madrid, etc.

2. Participants' level of education: Although most had and have a profile on high educational level, such as lawyers, architects, doctors, businessmen, entrepreneurs, business owners, dentists, psychologists, psychiatrists, consultants in coaching, accountants, engineers, economists, veterinarians , etc., we must not forget participants with an excellent technical education (both informatics and other technical activity), such as salespeople, secretaries, receptionists, nurses, physiotherapists, chiropractors, models, and athletes.
And a very important point: We have completed many courses with participants with no education. Also participants with learning disabilities; dyslexia (which is my speciality);  

3. The age of participants: 12 to 83 years of age. Most of the participants are between 30 to 60 years old. It is also relevant to mention that many participants are retirees who have settled here in Spain.

4. Type of courses: Individual, couple or in a group.
The vast majority of our courses are intensive courses of 10, 7 and / or 5 days, depending on the individual student's needs.
The majority of the courses are given at our premises, Centro Eleusis on the Costa del Sol. Nevertheless, we have given many courses in corporate classrooms and / or in private homes. We have traveled all over Spain (especially Barcelona, ​​Ibiza, Tenerife and Valencia) and outside Spain to Denmark, Norway, Russia, Ukranien, United States (California) and Mexico.
Finally, this gives us an overview of how and where we have been teaching through our psycholinguistic activities during the last 30 years.
Due to the optimal results we provide, the flow of participants continuous in a positive way and basically through the participants' own recommendations.
We have a quick way to solve the biggest problem most companies have: namely, language barrier.
And for foreign residents living in Spain who just want to socialize in their new surroundings and / or start new professional working activities up using a new language learned via optimal speed.
For further information you can visit their website here: through which you can contact Carlos Valle Romo about his different courses types, levels, prices, etc..
A NEW LANGUAGE ... A NEW WORLD is their slogan!

And here from the editors, we say, 'hablar español es muy, muy importante y un placer saberlo' (to speak Spanish is very important and a delight to be able to).

sábado, 11 de enero de 2020



ELEUSIS CENTRE is not a “language school” where after 2, 3 or 4 years, one starts to say a few things in Spanish.

We are university educated specialists in the area of intensive language training for adults, using the


You can, for example, learn with us in a period of 1 week, what you will learn in a “language school” in a period of 8-12 months.


Developed in Scandinavia, this psychological approach to language training contains the following advantages:

·        You learn HERE and NOW.
·        You have NO homework to do.
·        NO grammatical explanations.
·        Memory retention is 80% (contrasting the 15% of a conventional teaching method).
·        During RELAXATION, the language structure is assimilated automatically.

For further information call today on  (+34) 952 44 80 86 or 640 23 50 08 in order to obtain all the details about our learning method, levels, training possibilities, prices, etc.

Sincerely Yours,
Carlos Valle Romo, Director
Ph.D. in Psychology
University of Copenhagen